Energy Healing for the Mind, Body & Spirit

We become aware of them as they happen — and when they do, we catch a glimpse of the inner-framework of our destiny unfolding. Everything is meant to happen when it's supposed to Energy Medicine, so it's no accident that you are here now. 

Since you've found your way to this website, chances are you may be searching for a profound change in your life, to give it more meaning and finally end your suffering. If this is the case, please take a look at the following pages and see if they make sense to you. 

I'm an Intuitive Energy Healer and have been doing healing work since I was a child. Throughout the course of my healing career, in addition to other discoveries, I have found an effective way to release fear, anger and repair the broken heart of almost anyone, sometimes in just one session. As a result, people have been flying in from all over the world to experience my healing sessions as well as coming to our home town of Katonah, from the surrounding Hudson Valley communities of Mt. Kisco, Chappaqua, and Armonk. Westchester, Putnam, Rockland and Orange counties, upstate NY, CT and all over New England. 


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